Best City For Dating In Usa 20''s

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  1. Best Cities For Singles
  2. Best City For Dating In Usa
  • The following table lists the 326 incorporated places in the United States (excluding the U.S. Territories) with a population of at least 100,000 on April 1, 2020, as enumerated by the United States Census Bureau. Five states— Delaware, Maine, Vermont, West Virginia and Wyoming —have no cities with populations of 100,000 or more.
  • The best city in the world to relocate to is Austin, TX, USA.Austin has the third-best internet speed of any city in the rankings, at 87.5 Mbps. Additionally, the city scores highly in terms of.
  • Well, right now, Hinge is the best dating site. It seems to fit my personality, or the personalities I find online. I like that the sign-up process takes 10 minutes, and that I can keep an eye on what the profiles of people are. If I was more like Digg, and wanted to check out all the profiles I could find, I wouldn’t be so overwhelmed.

The town’s website promises “the best walleye and perch fishing in the United States” and water-related activities abound. There are even two local wineries. The biggest annual event is the commemoration of the town’s role in the War of 1812 naval Battle of Lake Erie in which the American fleet led by Oliver Hazard Perry.

Date ideas for under $20 takes a little bit of creativity and a heck of a lot of thought. It is the thought that counts right? The good news is you don’t have to spend an arm and a leg to impress your sweetie. You can do it for under twenty bucks and do it with style.

Best Cities For Singles

Keep in mind, there’s another side to every coin. There are certain specialty items that are deserved of a splurge. These “premium splurges” as I call them, may not work for under twenty bucks and that’s okay. Accept them as a vested interest. These are the things that will make a girl feel fabulous and make a guy super proud. So by all means blow your budget on them for all the right reasons.

Clever Date Ideas That Are Dressed To Impress

1. Take Her Out For Dessert

This one might take a little bit of investigative research to figure out because you aren’t going to hit the bulls-eye if your date is on a diet or worse yet can’t have sugar. When you are testing the waters, be sure to find out what sort of sweet treats are favorites and then set up the date location.

If she’s an ice cream fanatic, you’ve got a zillion places to choose from. If she likes a specific type of cake or cookie, you may have a bit more of a challenge. This date is certain to impress.

2. Stargazing

Fire up your computer and start learning a little about astronomy if you want to take it one step further impressing your date. Lazing under the stars is a fabulous way to get to know one another under the beauty Mother Nature provides.

A step away from the everyday to a quiet and relaxing atmosphere. And make the rule “no phones allowed” if you really want to focus on each other. Unless of course you opt to use your phone as a prop to check out what the stars actually mean that you’re gazing at. Lots of natural fun any way you slice it. And most importantly, this date might only cost you a bottle or two of water.

3. Apple Picking Or Strawberry Picking

This cheap date idea is dependent on the season and location but it’s a refreshing way to enjoy the outdoors while pumping your body full of some healthy antioxidants, according to Redbook dating experts.

It won’t take you long to see whether your date is happy in nature or so far out of their comfort zone of technology and hustle and bustle, that there’s zero chance of having any fun.

Awesome idea if you’ve picked the right apple.

4. Disposable Camera Day

Set the phones down and have some fun the old-fashioned way with a disposable camera. A great way to capture the moment in the now and make the memory last a life-time. This can easily be an all-day date or you can leave it “to be continued.”

Take as many pictures as you can of your dating moments and they you can head to the local mall to have them processed. If you’re lucky you can also grab a cheap scrapbook from the local bargain shop and easily have a blast for under $20.

5. Flea Market

You’ve got to make sure your date would be interested in this one before you set the plan in motion or it might majorly backfire on you. Flea markets can be loads of fun and you just never know what you’ll find. And with a budget of twenty bucks, you better bring a few good sized bags to carry all the treasures you buy.

6. Kayaking

Find your nearest river or lake and spend a few hours paddling away. Perhaps you have a friend with a kayak or canoe that you could borrow? Or many of the parks and recreation centers have them to rent. A few hours will keep you down under the $20 mark. What an awesome way to spend some quality time together and burn some calories.

7. Biking

Even if you haven’t got a bike of your own, you should be able to borrow one from a friend. Worst case scenario, you can rent one from a local bike shop or resort in the area. Lots of fun for the two of you to get to know each other a little bit better.

8. Go For A Hike

A day hike is a great way to get some exercise while enjoying the beauty nature has to offer. When you get those endorphins pumping you’re going to relax and according to WebMD, that’s integral in developing that emotional connection.

9. Go Dancing

Even if you decide to hit a dance club, you can find one with a cover charge of less than twenty bucks. However, with that probably comes drinks and after drinks eating. That can cost you an arm and a leg if you’re not careful.

Why not get a little creative and take your dancing to a local cafe or even just park your car, turn up the tunes, and start dancing. Bonus points if you find out your dates favorite songs and download to them to play. Dancing is fun and inviting. So make sure you run with this one.

10. Yoga Class

If you already go to yoga then you’re all set. Most instructors will let you bring a “friend” at no charge to try it out. Otherwise you should be able to find one around that will let you test the waters for free or a minimal change. Unique is good and taking a yoga class is an awesome way to spend your date time.

11. Coffee Shop

Change this one up by making it unique. Try going to a coffee shop that neither of you have visited before. Or at least one that you very seldom frequent. This makes it a memorable virgin moment for the both of you.

12. Movie In

Keep in mind, you aren’t wise to offer this date idea if it’s your first date and you really don’t know each other. Safety first. However, if you’re dating and looking for some relaxing snugly fun a movie might be perfect for you. Make some popcorn, grab a nice warm blanket and enjoy the show.

13. Massage Exchange

Another great date idea is rubbing each other down with a massage. How personal it gets is up to you to decide. Focusing a little quality time on each other is a great way to strengthen your connection or start building it, depending on your relationship status.

14. Pretend You’re Tourists

This is a fun one. So often we are completely oblivious to all the awesome sights right around us. Take a few minutes to locate some of the local attractions and hit as many as you can for under twenty bucks! Worst case scenario, you can stick to parks and government buildings. Promise you’ll have loads of fun with this one and perhaps learn a little too.

15. Help The Homeless

Another great date idea that will cost you nothing and will be extremely rewarding is to take your date to help feed the homeless. Volunteering to help dish out food to the homeless or any other sort of volunteering for that matter is an excellent way to remind yourselves what’s important in life. Very meaningful for all the right reasons.

16. Sign Up For a New Class Together

Life is all about learning and growing and what better route to connect with your partner than to toss your panties to the wind and learn a new skill together. You could sign up for pole dancing, cooking classes, sewing, painting, or anything else your heart desires. Brainstorm together and sign on the dotted line. You may have to be someway selective but with a like creativity you will find something.

Best City For Dating In Usa

17. Local Band

This one is easier in smaller towns because there isn’t a cover charge. Just do your research and figure out where some of the unknown local bands are playing and go check them out on your date. Even cafes often have live music and all that will cost you is a nice cup of java.

18. Walk To Your Secret Spot

Best cities for singles

Everyone has a secret spot they like to go to when they want to just get away from life for a little while. Take your date there and let them in a little more. Or if you don’t have a secret place, you can make one together. A great way to create some awesome memories.

19. Local Baseball Game

Even if your date isn’t thrilled about baseball, you can’t help but have fun spending a few hours watching a game. You can enjoy a couple hot dogs, some pop and still be well under your budget limit if you’re smart. Lots of fun to be guaranteed.

20. Local Arcade

This one might be a little bit tougher for you but with a little bit of digging, you should be able to find a local arcade where you can buy ten bucks worth of quarters and play all those fun ancient games, like pinball and space invaders. What an awesome way to wow your date without breaking the bank.

21. Karaoke

If you’ve got the balls for this one, you will definitely have a blast. Grab your date and the mic and let it fly. You’ll be laughing and singing and having an awesome time. The great thing about karaoke is that if you really suck that bad, you can just turn the music up to drown yourself out a little.

Best City For Dating In Usa 20

22. Pack A Picnic

This is a truly sweet way to capture the undivided attention of your date. Pack a couple sandwiches, some fresh fruit, and few sweet treats, and perhaps some bubbly or sparkling soda water, and scope out that perfect destination. Make sure you bring a blanket to stretch out on. Romantic and fun and everything you need should be right in your kitchen.


23. Mini Golf

Who doesn’t love mini golf? This is cheap fun that may even stir up some friendly competition. The perfect date for daters young and old.

24. Glow Bowl

Glow in the dark bowling is awesome fun. The whiter you dress the better. It’s only going to cost you for the time you spend bowling and the shoes. And if you go on cheap night even better. You may even have a few bucks left over to share a snack.

25. Movies

Believe it or not, this can be done for under twenty bucks. All you’ve got to do is find a $1 dollar movie theater or drive in movie theater near you.

26. Toy Store Date

Perhaps it’s time for you to take your date back in time to when you were kids. Take a trip to the toy store and buy a couple things you used to play with in your younger years. Like a Frisbee, jacks, beach ball, or maybe a football or soccer ball.

Grab your toys and go have fun.

27. Beach Date

Slip into your swimsuit, lotion up, and head to the beach with your date. Talk about fun in the sun. You can frolic in the water, go for a walk, hunt for seashells, or maybe take a nice nap. The only cost you may get dinged for is parking and maybe a yummy ice-cream.

28. Outdoor Theater

Particularly in the summer, there’s all sorts of outdoor theater productions that will tap into your creative side. A great place to take in some culture with your date. A fun a lively atmosphere to kick it up a few notches and just enjoy.

29. Bingo

Bingo isn’t only for the elderly. It’s a social activity that is a heck of a lot of fun. It costs a few dollars to play but you can certainly get your fair share in for under twenty dollars.

30. Skating

Even if you have never skated before, most rinks rent skates so you can give it a try. So grab your date and make it a date to remember.

31. Rollerblading

If it’s warmer outside, you can take your date rollerblading for fun. If you don’t have your own pair, you could maybe borrow from a friend or rent some for under twenty dollars. Promise it’ll be an adventure.

32. Driving Range

Here’s another date idea where no previous experience is required. All you’ve got to do is buy a couple buckets of balls and go to it. Perhaps even a little friendly competition is in order just to up the fun-factor a little.

33. Batting Cage

This is a really fun date idea and it doesn’t matter whether you’ve swung a bat or not. You can have lots of laughs trying to hit the ball and it will only cost you a few dollars. There should be plenty left for ice-cream.

34. Sunset

Find some high ground and take in the sunset with your date. Bring a snack or beverage to have while you enjoy sheer beauty. There’s just something magical about nature.

35. Open Mic

If you’ve never been to one of these before you are in for a real treat. Take your date to an open mic that may be at a local coffee shop, bookstore, or pub. This is where anyone can get up and express their talents in poetry, singing, or sometimes even storytelling. Awesome fun for a dating idea.

36. Local School Musical

This may take a little bit of digging but there are always local schools putting on a show or musical; some of them are really great. Make a date out of it and support your local theatrical talent.

37. Horseback Riding

What a great way to wow your date. Take them horseback riding for a date to remember. There are always local stables around that will take you for a tour or even rent you the horses if you know what you’re doing. Be smart about it and you should be able to keep this one under your twenty dollar mark.

38. Casino Night

You really don’t have to break the bank to have fun at the casino. Explore the casino and take in all the energy. Get $20 worth of coins for the slots and have some fun. See how long you can make it last rather than see how quickly you can make it disappear.

39. Camping

This isn’t for a first date but camping can be lots of fun. Find a campground that costs $20 or under, bring some food and put up a tent. This can turn into a nice and romantic date night.

40. Fly Kites

Small kites cost about $3. Get two kites and go to the beach or any other open area to fly the kites. Flying a kite is not only for kids, it’s fun for the adults too.

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When To Splurge In A Relationship

Nice Lingerie

If you are at that stage in your relationship the lingerie is one of the first things you should splurge on. It’s not gonna be cheap but I promise you it’ll be worth every dollar. Try shopping for it together. That’s the ticket to turning up the heat.

Rouge Lipstick

There’s something about red that guys love. Don’t be afraid to splurge and buy the reddest lipstick you can find. Then just let your fabulous lips do the talking.

Yummy Lip Gloss

When you’ve got shiny tasty lips all the time, of course he’s going to want to kiss you. Make sure you’ve got a couple in your purse, pockets, bag, glove box, and anywhere else you can think of. Tasty soft lips are irresistible.

Eyeliner That Sticks

Never mind any other eyeliner except the ones that are waterproof. The great thing about waterproof mascara is that it stays of even after you’ve washed all your other makeup off. So don’t worry about your “look” when you spend the night because your eyeliner will stay put to make your eyes pop.

Sexy Heels

There is really nothing better than a pair of sexy heels to dress up the occasion. Wear them with a pair of jeans or nothing at all and you’ll rev up the passion fast. If your guy is taller, heels will help level the kissing field some.

Truth – You can never have too many pair of heels so make sure you splurge royally on this one.

At Least A Couple Perfumes

Nobody wants to smell like fabric softener or detergent. Investing in a sweet perfume is worth its weight in gold. A good perfume will last you morning to night and if you pick the right fragrance it will drive your man nuts.

Take him with you when you’re testing them out so you can get his input. Then spritz it on and he’ll be putty in your hands. What a beautifully powerful feeling.

Little Black Dress

Whether you’ve got a pencil silhouette or oodles of curves, the little black dress is worth the investment. Make sure you’ve got 2 or 3 in your closet just in case. Not a lot left to the imagination with this one but that’s all good.

Natural Makeup says you’ve got to splurge on the nude or natural makeup. It shows your naturally beauty premium style without a lot of fuss. Indulge with this one and leave the guilt at the door.

Simple Diamond Studs

Guys love a little class but not too much priss. Splurge on a pair of simple but elegant diamond studs to capture his undivided attention. There’s nothing wrong with a little bit of glam.

Hair Care Kit

Your mane is one of the first things a guy notices when you walk in the room. Make sure you aren’t afraid to spend a few dollars on the hair care products you need to keep it healthy and smelling fresh. This may take a little bit of experiencing but it’s worth every dollar to find your flavor.


These date ideas for under $20 should keep you and your date adventurously busy for quite some time. The best dates are when you think outside the box, so don’t be afraid to take your date where nobody has gone before. That’s exciting and impressive in the big bad world of dating. Add to that a few well deserved splurges and you’re on track to taking your dating experiences to a whole new level.

Are you up to the challenge?

When the clock signals the start of the evening and the lights go out, the real fun, the nightlife begins in some of the most iconic cities in the world. Bars and pubs, clubs and discos, live music venues but also cabarets are just some of the attractions that await citizens or tourists who want to explore this aspect of the metropolis.

Some of the most incredible cities on the planet are also home to a vibrant and mind-blowing nightlife, which every seasoned traveler will want to experience. From the most exclusive and well-known clubs to world-famous festivals, here are the top 20 cities with the best nightlife in the world. Are you ready to celebrate?

NOTE:The following ranking is based on a survey that involved over 15,000 people, each of whom expressed 3 preferences. The cities are sorted by the number of votes received.

20. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Apart from hosting the largest and most majestic Carnival in entire Brazil, Rio de Janeiro is also the home to live music and offers a very rich underground music scene. If you are planning a trip to this city, don’t miss the huge musical event called Rock in Rio, or choose the Carnival period to admire the extravagant costumes that color the city during the famous parade.

Type of nightlife: live music, street party
Top 3 nightlife districts: Ipanema, Lapa, Flamengo, and Botafogo
Top 3 must-visit clubs: Pedra do Sal (Saude), Circo Voador (Lapa), Barra Music (Anil)
Our recommendation: Quadra do Santa Marta (Lapa)

19. Buenos Aires, Argentina

A fun night out in Buenos Aires is not for the faint of heart! The citizens, also called porteños, usually go to the different bars and clubs at 1 or 2 in the morning and don’t return home before 6 am. If you are looking for a place to find music, good food, and a dance floor, choose the Rojo Tango. The club also offers cabaret or tango shows, complete with a live orchestra and a three-course meal. For a more low-key experience, visit Notorious, a jazz bar that doubles as a record shop and restaurant. Here, you can also meet the best musicians in the area and each table is equipped with a CD player.

Type of nightlife: live music, traditional dances
Top 3 nightlife districts: La Boca, Palermo, Puerto Madero
Top 3 must-visit clubs: Crobar (Palermo), Mundo bizarro (Palermo), 878 (Palermo)
Our recommendation: Azùcar (Belgrano)

18. Tokyo, Japan

In Tokyo, you can start the night with some karaoke before heading to the typical futuristic-looking club that the city is saturated with. Swirls of neon lights, late-night clubs, and outrageous fetish shows have made this city one of the wildest nightlife destinations.

Tokyo’s international spirit is reflected in its nightlife; visitors can find everything from live music to traditional Japanese Kabuki shows. Music lovers can choose to attend Sweet Basil 139, a luxury jazz club, or, for a more colorful experience, visit Kamiya Bar, the oldest western-style bar in the city. The bar is the home of Denki Bran, the liquor invented in Tokyo that includes gin, red wine, brandy, and Curacao.

Type of nightlife: techno & underground, hot club
Top 3 nightlife districts: Roppongi, Kabuki-Cho, Ginza
Top 3 must-visit clubs: ageHa (Shin-Kiba), Trump Room (Shibuya-ku), V2 (Roppongi)
Our recommendation: Vision (Shibuya)

17. New Orleans, USA

The New Orleans music scene is a lively mix of brass bands, Zydeco beats, and upbeat music. Head to Frenchmen Street for top-notch live music, funk dancing, or local bands. The Mardi Gras is an unmissable experience. The bars and jazz clubs on Bourbon Street and the French Quarter are typical New Orleans nightlife stops.

At the heart of the historic Freret Corridor district is the Cure, a luxury cocktail lounge with a traditional southern flavor. The dress code is very strict! Even in August, men must wear long trousers.

Type of nightlife: Live Music, Underground Club, Blues & Jazz club
Top 3 nightlife districts: French Quarter, Garden District, Central Business District (CBD)
Top 3 must-visit clubs: Maple Leaf (Riverbend), One-Eyed Jack (French Quarter), Ooh Poo Pah Doo (Treme)
Our recommendation: House of Blues (French Quarter)

16. Miami, USA

In Miami, electronic music lovers can attend the city’s many festivals, such as the famous Ultra Festival, as well as frequent super nightclubs like LIV and Story. It’s hard to leave Miami’s sweeping, boundless beaches, but thankfully much of the city’s nightlife is right on the water.

Nikki Beach Club is located in the middle of the beach, so visitors can sip their drinks under large awnings, on comfortable hammocks, or beach loungers. Every Sunday, the club hosts an outdoor beach party that continues well past midnight.

The Rose Bar, at the Delano Hotel, offers a more glamorous atmosphere with its pink-colored walls and Venetian chandeliers. Guests can enjoy a cocktail in the lobby lounge of the bar or on the outdoor terrace.

Type of nightlife: Live Music, Underground, Hot Club, Dance Party, Festival
Top 3 nightlife districts: Miami Beach, Downtown, Upper East Side
Top 3 must-visit clubs: Ball & Chain (Little Havana), Sky Bar (Miami Beach), Liv@FontaineBleau (Miami Beach)
Our recommendation: Churchill’s Pub (Upper East Side)

15. Ibiza, Spain

This Mediterranean island is known for its scandalous nightlife, thanks to the best DJs who perform in the hottest clubs on the island. Here, you can dance the night away in venues like Privilege, the world’s largest nightclub, or Amnesia, famous for its foam parties.

Type of nightlife: House Party, Disco, Techno & Underground
Top 3 must-visit clubs: Space, Privilege, Amnesia
Our recommendation: Pacha (Upper East Side)

14. Mykonos, Greece

This small Greek island is home to big parties that start on the beach in the mid-afternoon and last until the next morning. Visit Super Paradise Beach, one of the best places to party, or you can try one of the many clubs and bars scattered around the world.

Type of nightlife: Street party, Disco, Clubs
Top 3 must-visit clubs: Cavo Paradiso, Skandinavian, Queen of Mykonos
Our recommendation: Astra Bar

13. Copenhagen, Denmark

Copenhagen is home to the famous Distorsion festival, which welcomes visitors from all over Europe and beyond every year. This event celebrates music and art by encompassing a large slice of the city’s underground scene. Almost all the streets of the city are involved during the event, so you can find refreshment points and taste and enjoy excellent Danish beer everywhere across the city.

Type of nightlife: Live Music, Underground, Pub
Top 3 nightlife districts: Jægersborggade, Istedgade, Elmegade
Top 3 must-see clubs: Culture Box, Drop Inn, Mojo Blues Bar
Our recommendation: Grey Hall (Christiania)

12. Belgrade, Serbia

If you are visiting this city and looking for an electrifying nightlife experience, head to the eclectic Skadarlija district right away. There, you can explore its numerous bars or dance the night away at the clubs located along the Sava or Danube river.

Type of nightlife: Live Music, House, Elettronica
Top 3 must-visit clubs: Jazz Bašta, The Black Turtle II Pub, Tilt Club
Our recommendation: Red Shoes Cafè

11. Bali, Indonesia

Bali’s Kuta Beach is popular with surfers but is also home to wild parties that last until the crack of dawn. Many raves are organized on the beach every season, attracting thousands of adventurers and locals.

Type of nightlife: Beach Party, Festival
Top 3 must-visit clubs: Sky Garden, Mirror Lounge & Club, Jenja
Our recommendation: La Favela

10. Bangkok, Thailand

Bangkok has a reputation for being quite rowdy after midnight, but there are also plenty of upscale venues that offer a more sophisticated late-night experience. You can take the State Tower elevator to the 63rd floor where you will find Sky Bar, a cocktail lounge with panoramic city views.

Type of nightlife: Beach Party, Festival, Disco
Top 3 must-visit clubs: Onyx, Ce La Vi, Levels Club
Our recommendation: Lava Gold

9. Paris, France

Paris is the capital of France and the largest city in the country. It’s located on the Seine, in the north of France, in the heart of the Île-de-France region. The city of style is full of bars where many celebrities also go, especially at the Champs-Elysées. For a more relaxing environment and to enjoy food and wine, head to rue de Lappe and Charonne. Artists like Daft Punk helped pave the way for French house music. If you love this genre, head to places like Rex Club, La Locomotive, Social Club, and Le Rouge to party late into the night.

Type of nightlife: Live Music, Underground, Hot Club, Dance Party, Festival
Top 3 must-visit clubs: Folies Berger, Moulin Rouge, Le Montana
Our recommendation: Titty Twister

8. Madrid, Spain

New York may also be the city that never sleeps, but Madrid is also awake in the small hours. The city is known for its all-night parties which are joined by the latest trend in gin and tonic bars. You can start your party night at Arzabal for classic tapas, gin, and tonics and then head to the Gin Room, a venue that offers more than a dozen unusual brands of gin in an elegant and trendy setting.

Type of nightlife: Live Music, Underground, Hot Club, Dance Party, Festival
Top 3 must-visit clubs: Sala Arena, Cafe Central, Kapital
Our recommendation: La Via Làctea

7. Amsterdam, Netherlands

If you want to dance the night away to electronic or live music, Amsterdam is the city for you. There are clubs, discos, bars, and casual clubs but also one of the largest shows of electronic music in the world, the Amsterdam Dance Event.

When it comes to nightlife and Amsterdam, we can’t miss mentioning its red-light district. But there are many other places throughout the city that offer unique late-night experiences.

Type of nightlife: Live Music, Underground, Hot Club, Festival
Top 3 must-visit clubs: Studio 80, Melkweg, Paradiso
Our recommendation: Café Noorderlicht

6. Los Angeles, USA

The glitz and glamour of Los Angeles stretch from movie sets to its vibrant nightlife. Harvard and Stone is the place that takes you to another era due to its furnishings dating back to the Second World Wat and the handcrafted cocktails. The bar, which has just celebrated its second anniversary also features live music and a large collection of American spirits.

For a Mad Man experience, visit the Stark Bar in Mid-City West. Located next to the Los Angeles Contemporary Museum of Art, the bar offers a long list of seasonal cocktails and a California wine list. During the summer, live jazz can be heard in the courtyard adjacent to the museum.

Type of nightlife: Live Music, Underground, Hot Club, Festival
Top 3 must-visit clubs: The Conga Room, Create Nightclub, Paladino’s
Our recommendation: Jazz Bakery (Culver City)

5. Berlin, Germany

Famous for its incredible nightlife, Berlin is home to underground techno clubs and rock and alternative venues that host late-night events. No matter what time you arrive, you will always find a party going on. The party never ends in Berlin!

The intimate and 70s-style setting of the Victoria Bar is ideal for enjoying a drink. The creative arrangements and the waiters’ elegance will take you to another era and the classic cocktails match the style.

Type of nightlife: Live Music, Techno & Underground, Hot Club
Top 3 must-visit clubs: Prinzipal, Lido, Monkey Bar
Our recommendation: Fritzclub im Postbahnhof (Friedrichshain)

4. Barcelona, Spain

In Barcelona, it’s easy to party all night even with a small budget. Go to places like Espit Chupitos, where quirky shots cost just €2 each. The night never ends thanks to the clubs in the city as well as the spontaneous gatherings that take place on the beach where the crazy night continues until dawn.

Type of nightlife: Live Music, Street Party, Dance & House Party
Top 3 must-visit clubs: CDLC, Boulevard (Rambla), Marula Cafe (Quartier Gotico)
Our recommendation: Sidecar (Ciutat Vella)

3. London, UK

London’s nightlife offers something to suit all tastes, from cabaret shows to boutique bars for the more snobbish. The Blue Bar, which takes its name from its blue painted walls, is a rather romantic place where you can enjoy delicious high-level cocktails. It is located in the Berkeley Hotel and periodically offers live jazz music performances. For a more traditional pub experience, go to Jerusalem Tavern, with its long list of local beers.

Type of nightlife: Live Music, Street Party, Dance & House Party, Techno & Underground, Hot Club
Top 3 must-visit clubs: Ministry Of Sound (Lambeth), Cirque Le Soir (Soho), Kensington Roof Garden (Kensington)
Our recommendation: Fabric (North London)

2. Las Vegas, USA

Nicknamed the City of Sin, Las Vegas is home to some of the best pool parties during the day and lively nightclubs where you can party all night long. You will never run out of something to do on a night in Las Vegas as new clubs popping up almost every day and bars and casinos can be found on every corner.

For a sophisticated and luxurious setting, visit the Vesper Bar at the Cosmopolitan Hotel. The bar offers an extensive menu of cocktails and drinks and exudes elegance and sophistication with its classic decor. For a more lively environment, PURE is the best solution. You can dance in its numerous rooms or go out onto the terrace for a view of the city center.

Type of nightlife: Live Music, Street Party, Dance & House Party, Techno & Underground, Hot Club
Top 3 must-visit clubs: XS (The Strip), Hakkasan Night Club (The Strip), Ghost Bar (West Strip)
Our recommendation: Downtown Cocktail Room (Downtown)

1. New York, USA

Thanks to the presence of clubs open until late at night and restaurants that welcome customers 24 hours a day, New York has earned the nickname “the city that never sleeps”. The city is buzzing with energy throughout the day, and thanks to the excellent public transport, you can party without any other worries. There are plenty of options to party late into the night in this city. For a unique experience, visit the Pouring Ribbons, the bar divides cocktails into two categories: comfortable or adventurous, so you can choose!

Type of nightlife: Live Music, Street Party, Dance & House Party, Techno & Underground, Hot Club
Top 3 must-visit clubs: Output (Brooklyn), Cielo (Meatpacking District), Marquee (Chelsea)
Our recommendation: Le Bain at the Standard (Meatpacking District)

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